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Renewable Heat Incentives announced.

Last week, the Government announced it's long awaited RHI scheme - a 'feed-in tariff' for renewable heat sources.

Like the existing feed-in tariff for renewable electricity generation (most notably photovoltaic solar panels), homeowners will soon be able to claim money from the Government for hot water/heat they produce renewably.

The most popular method, and one already installed by many, is hot water solar panel systems.

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"Hot Water Solar Panels
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Garage conversions make sound sense.

One of the cheapest ways of adding more living space to your home is to have a garage conversion.

Particularly where the garage (or garages) are integral to the house, although don't be put off if yours is a detached garage. The only difference, assuming the structure is suitable, will be the conversion costs.

The bulk of the conversion work will be in bringing the garage up to the building regulations of the day in terms of its insulation and build.

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"Don't be put off
by the work involved"

Water conservation is highlighted by Energy Saving Trust.

The Energy Saving Trust is urging home owners to think about the amount of water they use and think about how they can reduce their usage.

For those on water meters, the savings can be considerable, whilst those charged water rates could still make savings.

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"Water conservation ideas
around the home"
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photo credit: Hosepipe (nick holland)